People only hate due to skill issue

October 13, 2024 (4mo ago)

One of the root problems of modern conflicts and disagreements is hate. Personally I can't relate.

To you, this may seem like another bullshit blog written by a schizo. But trust me it is not (for context it's currently 2:40 AM).

In my (very) personal opinion, people only hate due to suffering extreme skill issue. For example, if you hate the rich, it is probably skill issue on your end for not being rich. Sure, some luck factors may apply. But would you speak a word if your networth was top of the list on Forbes? Probably not.

At University of Waterloo, quite a few people hate on the fact that I use neovim. But I have two words that I want to say: "Skill issue." Neovim and vim keybindings are clearly superior to GUI interfaces and mouse users (whatever that is, boomer tech), and there is no debate.

For all intensive purposes, this blog was a joke and I wrote this out of boredom. I hope you enjoyed it though!